PIK Enterprise, LLC
Roads without oncoming traffic
For more than a quarter of a century PIK enterprise has been engineering, producing and mounting technical facilities for traffic management.
Versatility of company’s operation brings us in the leaders of the auto road facilities market. A powerful manufacturing complex operates in Nizhny Novgorod and mainly produces barrier, cable, pedestrian fencing and various metal structures used in road construction. All manufactured products have passed the tests at NAMI’s Testing Centre, are strictly regulated by legal documents and certified in accordance with the requirements of ТР ТС 014/2011 (Auto Roads Safety). The equipment of our construction and installation units together with the decades of experience make possible to mount more than 50 kilometers of different fencing types per month.
The company keeps on improving and developing its technologies. Its experts track new market trends and the latest changes in legal documents concerning arrangement of auto roads.
Company’s vast engagement in fairs, conferences and forums strikingly confirms its commitment to new principles of safety.
Company address: 1A, Kovpaka Street, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation, 603053
Site: www.pik.com
E-mai: info@pik.com
Phone: +7 (831) 412-96-41, 41-296-42, 41-296-43
Fax: +7 (831) 412-96-48