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 A. Dvorkovich

I would like to welcome all attendees, invitees and organizers of the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction".

The road industry is traditionally one of the fastest growing sectors, both in Russia and abroad. The road infrastructure is integral part and a cornerstone of national economic development having direct impact on the quality of life.

The current situation in the industry and its further development requires innovations and high-tech solutions. The road infrastructure shall as far as possible meet the community needs, be efficient both for the public and the state and comply with high environmental standards and requirements.

I am sure that the International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" will once again promote meaningful expert discussion of innovative and advanced technologies and road and construction industry development outlook.

I wish all attendees good work, challenging discussions and inspiration.

A. Dvorkovich - Deputy Prime Minister
of the Russian Federation

S. Ivanov

I would like to welcome all attendees, invitees and organizers of the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction".

Nowadays, Russia is an ecological donor of our planet. Problems having regard to environment protection are currently prioritized not merely by the Government, but also by people.

The Year of the Environment Program focuses on making use of corporate funds to upgrade their own business. Almost all major corporations know full well that more stringent environmental conservation standards must be adhered to not only because the state pushes them to do that. The most important thing is that without state-of-the-art technologies the products they offer will be more expensive than those manufactured by their competitors and they will lose, in particular, when we speak about international markets. "Russian Highways" State Company is one of these corporations.

I am sure that problems related to employment of obsolete materials in road construction and need for innovative technologies designed to ensure proper environmental conservation will be meaningfully discussed at the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction".

I wish you all good work and discussion.

S. Ivanov - Special Presidential Representative
for Environmental Protection, Ecology and Transport

E. Bushmin

I would like to welcome all attendees and guests of the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction".

Transportation industry is one of the vitally important sectors countrywide. Considerable efforts have been already made to improve the road and transportation infrastructure. Development of a highly efficient and reliable transportation infrastructure is one of the top priority goals pursued by any state worldwide contributing to economic growth and improvement of the community welfare. Good roads are deemed a prerequisite of development of the industry, agriculture and trade and improvement of existing living standards.

The Council of the Federation pays much attention to issues having regard to road construction, higher efficiency of application of budget funds which are allocated for road project financing purposes, public private partnership arrangements which are used for implementation of infrastructural projects, adoption of life cycle design contracts, repairs and maintenance of existing roads.

I am sure that the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" will enable development of innovative and efficient solutions and meaningful concepts which once implemented will improve considerably the roads available in Russia.

I wish all of you good work, rewarding discussions and amazing performance.

E. Bushmin - Deputy Chairperson of the Council of the Federation

S.V. Kelbakh

Innovative development is one of the strategic growth priorities typical of the national transportation industry and one of the cornerstones of development and operation of the backbone motorway system in Russia. Innovative technologies are relevant to all market segments and participants as well as industry insiders, from designers, developers and operators to road users (i.e. drivers and pedestrians).

The State Company's performance is directly dependent on innovative development of its business profile. We encourage all business units of the "Russian Highways" State Company to perceive and generate groundbreaking ideas as components of an integrated system which is designed to serve as a test site for introduction of innovative solutions in the national road industry.

The Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" is a unique venue which is used to discuss most pressing industry-specific issues, thus allowing it to make our efforts more forward-looking and efficient.

I wish all attendees good work and breakthrough and innovative solutions!

S. Kelbakh - Chairman of the Board
«Russian Highways» State Company

O. Timofeeva

I would like to welcome you on behalf of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection.

We do believe that out future is closely related to environmentally sustainable development. Nowadays, environmental issues are addressed almost in every policy or industry-specific document. Road construction programs are of no exception. We highly appreciate that they are put on the agenda of this Forum as well.

Emerging innovative technologies are designed to ensure durability and proper economic effect and improve service performance of the road infrastructure. However, today there is another very important criterion which is taken into consideration when assessing the same: that is impact they have on the environment. It shall be restricted.

The year 2017 is the Year of the Environment in Russia. New green approaches shall be developed, employed and become integral part of our culture and economy for many year to come. We do believe that this objective is within the power of the Forum attendees who are real masters of their trade.

We wish you good work and valuable discussions at this venue and implementation of your creative plans.

O. Timofeeva - Chairman of the State Duma Committee
on Ecology and Environmental Protection

R. Starovoit

I would like to welcome both on my own behalf and on behalf of the Federal Road Agency organizers and attendees of the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction".

Intensive growth of the number of vehicles requires rapid development of the modern highway network of the Russian Federation. Once this challenge is efficiently dealt with, it will contribute to the higher rates of economic growth, enhance integrity and national security and improve the existing living standards.

Nowadays, both in Russia and worldwide stringent requirements to road materials and technologies are imposed. Construction of roads with the use of outdated technologies is no more viable due to consistently growing traffic and load on available roads.

It's worth pointing out that "Russian Highways" State Company seeks to employ almost all known state-of-the-art innovations in its business. The scope of innovations already employed on federal motor roads increased by 63% in the recent five years only. Over 350 innovations will be put into practice by the Agency in 2017.

Motor roads design technologies were improved as a result of introduction of new engineering solutions and inventions. Unique methods and ultrastrength materials are used more frequently when constructing, renovating and repairing motor roads, thus allowing it to considerably extend the operating life of road surfaces.

Efficient and innovative solutions are developed and introduced in the road industry most notably due to the update of existing rules and regulations and national standards designed to improve the quality of road and construction materials and road safety and introduce advanced design, repair and maintenance methods and approaches.

It is gratifying to emphasize that the International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" held for the third time will represent an incentivizing venue designed to develop tailor-made innovative solutions which nowadays are strongly sought-after by the road industry players domestically.

I wish all invitees and attendees of the Forum success and efficient networking for the benefit of the Russian road construction industry.

R. Starovoit - Head of the Federal Road Agency

V. Kondratiev

I would like to welcome you all wholeheartedly in Kuban and Olympic Sochi.

The city has managed to become not merely the capital of sports domestically, but also its cultural and business center in the recent three years. International and national events are held here time and again at the highest level. By all means, the International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" enjoys its pride of place.

Development of the road industry remains and will continue to be one of the top priorities for the public authorities. The Krasnodar Region is a transit region and principal vacation destination in Russia. As such, availability of extensive transportation infrastructure is a prerequisite of success and continuous progress.

Good access roads to the Black Sea coast, new motor roads and state-of-the-art road crossings must be made available on a first-priority basis to ensure comfortable and safe traffic for the benefit of the local community and all people visiting Kuban.

I hope that this Forum will enable it to find new solutions and approaches in the road construction industry and present sustainable methods of use of innovations in the industry, thus allowing the Krasnodar Region to maintain the status of a region with the best roads in Russia.

Surely, I would like to thank sincerely all industry players for their everyday huge efforts. The community of the Krasnodar Region and Russia in general does see and highly appreciate them.

V. Kondratiev - Head of Administration (Governor)
of the Krasnodar Region

A. Pakhomov

We are happy to welcome representatives of the national road industry and our partners from abroad at the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" in Sochi which is a resort and Olympic capital of Russia.

Nowadays, the Russian Government and local authorities seek extensively to promote this resort city. As such, we consider the Russian Government our reliable business partner.

No single city or town worldwide can develop without modern roads, while innovative and state-of-the-art technologies are required to upgrade the road network. Therefore, the roads in Sochi, including an integrated highway and rail road running from Adler to Krasnaya Polyana and a relief road alternative to Kurortny prospekt, provide a good example of introduction of dozens of innovation solutions.

I am sure that the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" will enable it to address most pressing issues the road industry players currently face and will contribute to implementation of unique projects on the roads nationwide.

A. Pakhomov - Mayor of Sochi

A. Chubais

I would like to welcome all guests, attendees and organizers of the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction", both on my own behalf and in the name of RUSNANO Group.

The Russian Government and business companies use their best efforts to upgrade this industry. Even now entities operating in the nanotech industry offer a great number of state-of-the-art solutions for the road industry which allow it to extend the service life of available facilities, improve the quality thereof and reduce operating costs.

We do believe that this Forum will contribute to the development of cooperation between innovative business companies and entities operating in the road industry, including "Russian Highways" State Company which is one of the largest consumers of innovative products.

I am sure that the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" will enable any road and transportation industry player concerned to develop rewarding and much-needed innovative solutions for the benefit of our country.

A. Chubais - Chairman of the Executive Board of the Fund
for Infrastructure and Educational Programs

I. Drozdov

Dear attendees of the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction".

I would like to welcome you on behalf of the Skolkovo Foundation.

One of the goals pursued by the Skolkovo Foundation as a state development centre consists in the support of innovative high-tech companies in Russia. Nowadays, the Skolkovo Foundation integrates over 1,600 high-tech start-ups operating in the information technology, plant engineering, energy efficiency and biomedicine industry. Total revenue generated by Skolkovo companies amounts to as much as RUB 95.5 bln with investment secured totalling RUB 21 bln.

The road construction industry, operation of transport facilities and traffic safety is innovation intensive, both in Russia and abroad. The Skolkovo Foundation includes over 50 innovative companies being able to offer industry players their pilot projects which are primarily related to road safety, unmanned transport, road surface monitoring and new composite and polymer materials designed to perform construction and repair work. Certain products are already employed at the facilities of the traffic network in Russia.

As of now, the Skolkovo Foundation has already made cooperation agreements with the Federal Road Agency and "Russian Highways" State Company which are intended to promote adoption of in-house innovative technologies in the national traffic network. By virtue of this meaningful cooperation we expect exponential expansion of innovative technologies developed by Skolkovo companies and their employment at the transportation facilities in the years to come.

I wish you good work at this venue.

I. Drozdov - Chairman of the Board of Skolkovo Foundation

M. Shereykin

On behalf of myself and Agency of Technological Development I welcome all the participants, guests and organizers of the III International Forum «Innovations in Road Construction»!

One of the Agency's tasks is assisting Russian enterprises in obtaining competitive technological solutions. Mechanical engineering and, in particular, the production of modern road construction equipment is the sector where the demand for modern technologies is particularly high due to the intensive development of a network of «smart» roads in Russia.

I am convinced that the III International Forum «Innovations in road construction» will help us not only in determining the ways of further development of the industry, but also to demonstrate our achievements, which should become a proof of the fact that the domestic road-building machinery and technologies of road construction today are not inferior to foreign analogs!

M. Shereykin - General director of
Agency of Technological Development

Robert Urazov

On behalf of the WorldSkills Russia, I welcome all the participants of the third International Forum "Innovations in road building and construction."

The issues of road construction and development of transport infrastructure have always been of great importance for Russia. As research shows, it is investments in transport infrastructure that provide the maximum multiplicative effect, contribute to the development of the entire economy of the country. I am sure the same applies to the new technologies and highly qualified workers. Innovations do not only contribute to increasing the durability of transportation constructions and ensuring their reliability, but also maintain constant progress in related industries, which is impossible without the development of a human capital.

We have the opportunity to observe this wonderful new generation of workers at our WorldSkills competitions, where one of the blocks is devoted to skills in the sphere of building and construction. Updating TVET standards and bringing back the attractiveness of skills are key factors of economic growth that can guarantee the country's development.

I wish success, fruitful cooperation and new bright victories to all the participants of the Forum for the benefit of Russia!

R. Urazov - Director General of the Union
"Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia)


V. Saltykov

On behalf of General Director of Limited Liability Company "Smolensk-DorNII-Projekt" I am glad to welcome you at this remarkable event and I want to express my gratitude for your attention and participation in this respectable international forum related to the most relevant topic in terms of the future development of Russian road facilities.

Today it is clear for everyone that innovations have become a locomotive of progress in the sphere of road construction and engineering, and the innovation way is practically a single source of the development of road facilities for the observable future. At the same time a lot of participants of investment and construction process in the road facilities of our country are on their way to understanding that innovations are not any new things but they are only these things that on practice provide the positive, breakthrough social and economical effect. There are no innovations with commercialization and effective involving of new achievements in economical circle. Implementation of new things only for image and good-looking records is our past. Our future belongs to innovations which start up flier of the economy and augment social and economical potential of our country more effective and stable. This is precisely why issues and topics for discussion at this forum are overwhelmingly important.

Let me wish you favorable and useful creative work and success in implementation of designated targets and achievement of objectives!

V. Saltykov - General Director of
"Smolensk-DorNII-Projekt", Ltd.

Raffa­ele De Bettin

It is of utmost importance for me being here with you at the "Innovations in Road Construction" III International Forum and to have a chance to welcome such a significant event on behalf of the "DBA Project" Ltd. and the DBA Group. We are absolutely convinced that an Innovation in constructing safe and high-quality roads shall be top of mind.

And it seems essential to share experiences and solutions of common problems, to establish contacts and to determine together the ways of the industry further development. The DBA Group on its part can offer a rich experience in implementing projects, both Russian and international.

Today, the issue of applying innovations in the road economy have turned to be one of the strategically important conditions for the road sector development, industry cost-cutting tool, and also improving the roads end-user performance. The road, built and operating using new technologies, allows reducing costs on the expectation of road life cycle, to improve its security and also make it more enduring, therefore more appealing to users and investors.

We are all united by the construction of safe, quality and state of the art roads in the Russian Federation.

We are confident that the forthcoming Forum will be an effective platform for bringing together the efforts of state, public, scientific and research institutions, the business community and the media to address road safety problems, enduring and the quality of roads.

Raffa­ele De Bettin - CEO of DBA Group

V. Stavnikovich

I would like to welcome you at the Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" on behalf of Stroy Engineering LLC which is traditionally attended by leading experts from Russia and abroad seeking to discuss the most pressing issues related to innovation in road construction being a strategic precondition of further development of the road industry and improvement of safety and durability of Russian roads.

Road surface durability depends on a number of factors. Available materials and technologies, road bed pretreatment and developer’s qualification has direct impact on the road quality. It is worth noting that Russia is a unique country where each region or territory has its own climatic and landscape features and characterized by its distinctive traffic intensity.

All these factors shall be considered when designing, constructing and maintaining the road network with due regard to availability of specific pavement materials in any relevant region or territory.

The principal objective pursued in terms of development of the national road industry is to create the environment where construction of high-quality roads with a considerable maintenance-free service life will be beneficial and profitable for all market players. Undoubtedly, abandonment of obsolete materials and transition to a further development stage featuring innovative technologies and solutions shall be of particular importance in this regard. Contrary to popular belief, innovations in construction may be economically viable and feasible. Innovative materials prolong considerably the service life of the road surface, thus obviating the need for frequent and expensive repairs in the regions.

The jet age requires improvement of the transportation infrastructure and use of breakthrough and innovative management solutions. Innovative technologies are relevant to all players involved in the development of a state-of-the-art motorway network.

I honestly wish all guests and attendees success, new experiences and business contacts as well as self-confidence. I wish you good luck in any of your ventures and business!

V. Stavnikovich - Stroy Engineering LLC CEO

Strategic partner

E. Spirkin

Dear participants and guests of the 3rd International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction", that will take place in Sochi – the capital of Winter Olympic Games 2014.

Dear colleagues, it is a pleasure for me to address you my welcome words.

The Company "Stroygasservice" was established in 2009. The main business direction of the company is construction of the main gas pipelines, distribution gas pipelines and oil product pipelines, when preparing territory for a construction of motor roads and rail roads as well as construction of the gas distribution plants, boiler houses and power centers.

"Stroygasservice" LLC gained successful experience, while worked at the facilities of "Gazprom", State Company "Avtodor", "Russian Railways" JSC.

Currently "Stroygasservice" LLC is involved in construction of three gas distribution plants (GDP) in Moscow region: Mitkino GDP, Nevzorovo GDP and Arkhangelskoe GDP.

Moreover, "Stroygasservice" LLC has positive experience in construction of boiler houses and power centers for "Sberbank of Russia" PJSC.

In 2017 "Stroygasservice" LLC successfully implemented innovative technology of mobile regasification of gas distribution plants used to remove the main gas pipelines of "Gazprom" PJSC. In order to ensure trouble free gas supply, we used active atmospheric regasificator with the connected road cryo-tankers filled with liquefied natural gas.

For reconstruction of the gas pipelines owned by Gazprom PJSC located near the objects of State Company "Avtodor" (М-11 the speed-way Moscow – Saint-Petersburg, which is under construction) and "Russian Railway" JSC (double-track rail road at the direction Zhuravka – Millerovo) the regasified liquified natural gas was provided for the boiler houses for the period of works.

The company has complete machinery park and highly skilled staff due to what we have successful cooperation with State Company "Avtodor" since 2012 and do almost all works with our own resources without engaging sub-contractors.

E. Spirkin - CEO of Stroygasservice

S.A. Zubanov

I congratulate the participants, organizers and guests on holding the Third International Forum, Innovations in the Road Construction, on behalf of the members of the Company's Board of Directors and all the employees of JSC "Donaerodorstroy"!

It is impossible to develop the road transport system needed by the country without applying innovation solutions.

Using nanotechnology products for building, reconstructing and maintaining highways is the key work area of every road-building company.

Throughout 60 years of our history, our employees have striven to hold leadership in implementing technical advances.

Thus, in Soviet times, we became ones of the first in the country who mastered concrete paving technology using the Autograde machine.

Most recently, experts of "Donaerodorstroy" were the first in the South of Russia to use stone mastic asphalt and many other innovation solutions in their practice. Fruitful collaboration with the "Avtodor" State Company contributes to it in many ways.

I am sure that the Forum will be an important occasion to discuss the most urgent issues of the highway industry.

The shareholders and executives of the "Donaerodorstroy" Company wish all the participants rewarding work, successful delivery of objectives set and large-scale projects!

S. Zubanov - CEO of JSC «Donaerodorstroy»

Chkalin Alexander Chkalin Evgeniy

On behalf of "PIK" OOO (LLC) we are happy to welcome the guests, delegates and organizers of the III International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction"!

Regardless of the economic situation in the country, the level of business activity and the dynamics of investment, Russia's roads have to meet modern requirements, including high security level.

Our company is constantly improving and developing the existing products and services, and is also introducing innovative technologies in the field of production and installation of technical traffic means. We monitor new market trends and the most current changes in the regulatory documents.

We hope that the III International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" will allow us to discuss the existing problems and prospects for the development of the road industry, the achievements of "PIK" OOO (LLC) and also convince professionals of the road complex that today it is possible and necessary to work efficiently on the domestic autoroutes market.

Thank you for attention! We kindly invite you to our booth.

A. Chkalin - General Director of "PIK" OOO (LLC)
E. Chkalin - Executive Director of "PIK" OOO (LLC)


03/24/2017 | The Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" is supported by Agency of Technological Development.

03/27/2017 | We have received the Greeting Address to the organizers and participants of the Forum sent by General Director of Agency of Technological Development Maxim Shereykin.

04/13/2017 | The Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" is supported by WorldSkills Russia.

04/14/2017 | The Greeting Address to the organizers and participants of the Forum sent by General Director of the Union “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) Robert Urazov has been received today.

04/19/2017 | Small and medium-size enterprises are welcome to participate in the case study covering the specifics of purchasing under Federal Law 223 as exemplified by The State Company Russian Highways («Avtodor»). The participation for SME in the study is free of charge.

04/21/2017 | Skolkovo and Avtodor signed an agreement on collaboration in promotion, adaptation and development of innovative technologies in road construction, repair and maintenance.

04/25/2017 | The Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" is supported by Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor).

04/27/2017 | The Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" is supported by the Administration of Krasnodar Region.

04/28/2017 | The Third International Forum "Innovations in Road Construction" is supported by «RUSNANO».

04/28/2017 | Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Sergey Ivanov has sent the Greeting Address to the participants, guests and organizers of the Forum.

04/28/2017 | The Head the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) Roman Starovoyt has sent the Greeting Address to the participants, guests and organizers of the Forum.

05/02/2017 | Organizing committee has received the greeting address to the participants of the Forum sent by the Governor of Krasnodar region Veniamin Kondratiev.

05/16/2017 | Organizing committee has received the greeting address to the participants of the Forum sent by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich.

05/22/2017 | Chairman of the Executive Board of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (FIEP) RUSNANO Anatoly Chubais has sent the greeting letter to the guests, delegates and organizers of the Forum.

05/23/2017 | Sochi Mayor Anatoly Pakhomov has addresses the guest and the participants of the Forum with the greeting letter.

05/29/2017 | Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection Olga Timofeeva has sent the greeting letter to the guests, delegates and organizers of the Forum.

05/29/2017 | The Third International Forum “Innovations in Road Construction” is supported by The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

06/02/2017 | Chairman of the Board of Skolkovo Foundation Igor Drozdov has sent the greeting letter to the delegates of the Forum.

06/11/2017 | IRC Forum mobile application is available at App Store and Google Play.

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